The UK Support Network
There are a lot of charities and support organisations out there and they are doing an incredible job. However, generally they are all restricted by their resources, namely funding and manpower. By becoming the one stop support platform that can be accessed 24/7 The UK Support Network is able to signpost our members to specialist help as well as enhancing the reach of these organisations. The UK Support Network also aims to support our members in a way no other network can, we are doing this by looking at a member’s needs and requirements and supporting them on their individual needs. Whether its raising funds for honest, worthwhile causes, helping individuals on their own personal journeys who need to make changes to the course they are on. Or maybe manpower to help with a task or something smaller like meeting up for a coffee and a chat then come and join us as this is what The UK Support Network is about. The UK Support Network is here to support everyone on the front line. Our sectors range from people working in the security industry to people serving in the armed forces. Best of all to join you don’t have to be working in this sector at the moment but have served in that sector at some point.We are here to help, support you on your current journey. We are going to inspire each and every one of you, uplift your spirit and support you from the moment you join. We are a community, come here to socialise with friends or even make new friends. Take advantage of some packages and rewards we have on offer for you. The key to all of our support is to not focus on the problem, but focus on the solution. Like we have all done countless times before, we move forward together, on the front foot. We focus only on Mission success!
Our Community
Here at The UK Support Network we want you to join in, feel welcome and be a part of the future. We have spent a lot of time working with a local development company who have helped us create and shape a social network format website. By using working with them and creating this from the ground up we have been able to tailor this site for you the supporters. This ranges from a social feed where you can chat with other members of the support network or create your own post for members to comment on. You can use this method to make friends, seek support and even add your new friend to your list so you can interact with them more. We have then introduced a social network for the affiliation you belong to; for example if you only want to post/talk to people from the British Army you can post in that channel and only people who are affiliated with that channel will see and respond to.Unemployment Support
Unemployment in the UK is now at an all-time high, we are here to try and change that by helping you create a CV and show off all your experience and skills on your profile. From all the data you add to your profile this will create you a professional CV that you can print or even send directly to recruiters or job posts. The UK Support Network is working with recruitment companies within the UK; with this partnership we offer a job posting board, on this board you can search for open jobs in your area. We have also created a Business Centre for recruiters and companies to login and search for the skills and experience they would like to hire, this will then search people’s profiles to find the best candidate for them. We are doing everything we can to help and guide you back into employment.Charities and Fundraisers
Here at The UK Support network we are here to support local charities as well as our members, as a community we can make this happen. Using our Fundraiser feature you can donate your spare change to a charity of your choice. Our mission is to ensure no great cause goes unfunded. We have a list of all charities registered in the UK giving you the ability to donate money that will be sent direct to that charity of your choice. Not only do we give you access to the charities in the UK but we have also created our own internal charity for The UK Support Network this is a fund raiser that will be used for all you supporters when you need it the most. The UK Support Network is not a profit making business, every penny we take in on our platform is to be reused to keep the site running and supporting our members. The last feature within Fundraiser is the ability to create your own fundraiser, do you have a cause you would like people to raise money for; a friend in need of some help / support. You can use The UK Support Network platform to raise funds for your own cause. By having this feature built into our site we can help people across the United Kingdom and you can also help your friends and loved ones with the support of the network.Merchandise
The UK Support Network site also has a nice built in ecommerce shop, this is fully integrated with our platform meaning its easy accessible and uses the same account you login in with. This is much easier rather than going off to another site. Our merchandise shop will be stocked with t-shirts, hoodies, caps and other items displaying The UK Support Network logo. The aim of the shop is to raise funds for the business and site to be repurposed for the members. We take all aims possible to raise as much money as we can that we can then use to support the members of The UK Support Network.Using The UK Support Network on the move
The aim of The UK Support Network website is to be available on every platform, phone, tablet and desktop. We want you to have access no matter where you are the world. Our team of developers have created a stunning responsive platform for you all to use, using our platform takes in your current location; this enables us to connect you to the things and people around you.Places
Using this powerful little feature it will enable a user to login to The UK Support Network from their mobile phone in either the city they live in or a new city they are currently in, simply login and press “Places Near By” and this will show you all the restaurants, shops and other points of interests around you. When you click on somewhere you like you can see information such as the address, name, and posts from other users giving you peace of mind what this place is like. We want you to be able to do everyday activities from The UK Support Network. Places is a new way we can do this, and we will be adding more little features like this in the future.
This is the most important tool anyone can have on the move, again we have used your location as soon as you login; on your feed you will see your local weather this will show you what it’s like outside right now along with the lowest and highest points of the day. You can then click into the weather and see the 7 day forecast.
Our Sectors
Here at The UK Support network we don’t focus on one area or certain individuals, we want to support as many people as we can. This is why we have broken the network down into multiple sectors and affiliations within them sectors; see below for more.Armed Forces
Emergency Services
Security Industry